Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Week three Assignment 1 MH Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week three 1 MH - Assignment ExampleKrupps efforts through the 1990 Clean Air Act constituting acid rain diminution plan for the marketplace led to public recognition as best green achievement of the 1990s. His efforts are eminent to date at a time when world nations are working towards carbon track reduction. Krupp also engaged large American corporations, like McDonald and FedEx, to reduce their ecological impacts through waste obliterationJigar Shah, CEO Carbon War Room. Jigar Shah is both an inspirational and recognized leader universally (Corporate Responsibility snip n.p). Shah transformed his university business plan idea of 1999 into a company, SunEdison, in 2003. Through simplified solar as a service, Shah transformed organizations attitude towards solar energy by allowing them to purchase them at long-term course priced contracts. Today, Shah influences and contributes towards sustainability, global warming, and renewable energy policy

Monday, April 29, 2019

British Postwar Cinema 1960-1990 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

British Postwar movie 1960-1990 - Essay Exampleof the time envisaging these movies to be heralding a renaissance in British cinema. Aldgate, 2006 While British New Wave and the social realism of the post-war years effectively disappeared from the big screen by the mid(prenominal) 60s, realism of the New Wave continues to influence filmmakers as Mark Herman, Ken Loach and Mike Leigh, evident in their respective movies Brassed Off (1996) All Or Nothing (2002), Sweet Sixteen (2002).The New Wave was essentially the British response to French present-day(a) equivalentthe auteur cinema of Nouvelle Vogue by Truffaut, Godard and others, which focussed on innovative narrative and cinematic techniques, vitally making cinema a personal expression of the director. even so as the British New Wave drew significantly from auteurism of the Nouvelle Vogue, adapting literary and theatrical source veridical and focusing on realism, the tell-it-like-it-is New Wave movies distinctly differed from it s French counterpart in form and style. Perceivably influenced by documentary-style realism, New Wave artistically combined the vision of the novelists or the playwright, and cinematic creativity of the director.The paper attempts to crumple the creative aspirations and the artistic influences of the New Wave filmmakers with a view to understanding and categorising the essential genre of British New Wave, as a cinema of the auteur or as a cinema of the writer. Yet, central to the compendium is the idea that while essentially following the historic tradition of British Cinema of adapting successful dramas and novels and hang in the spirit of documentary-style realism of Free Cinema, the British New Wave adapted and altered the auteur theory of contemporary French cinema, combining the art and craft of the writer and director in distinctly remarkable ways. of the essence(p) to the analysis may be an understanding of the historical development of the movement, and the motives and mo tivations of the New Wave filmmakers. The mid-1950s, a outcome of

Sunday, April 28, 2019

A critical discussion of the role of organisational memory on Essay

A critical discussion of the situation of organisational memory on innovation - Essay Exampleith implementation the more modernistic a function, the thready the time gap between creating and executing, planning and creating, or conceptualizing and applying.Researchers have identified innovation as a variation from current customs or understanding (Mooner & Miner, 1997, p. 95). As advancement involves some level of physical body or plan, it is believed that is a type of innovation. Nonetheless, it is just one type of innovation. For instance, if an organization innovates a fresh technique to store chemicals by analyzing its requirements, collecting details, planning the fresh storage utility, receiving proposals, and ultimately creating it, the organization has innovated. In addition, innovative activities may involve quite different levels of improvement a very huge percentage or comparatively tiny percentage of the activities may be novel. Some level of innovation is necessary for an bodily process to meet the chronological edict classification due to its stress on plan or creation of activity. These concerns propose a fine connection between innovation and organizational memory. On the other hand, they as well mean that treating them as the same could decrease the capability to appreciate the particular concerns of chronological order by confusing level of organizational memory with level of innovation.Clarifying these differences highlights the notion that the proposed definition makes no predictions or assumptions in and of itself regarding the consequences of innovation Mooner and Miner, 1997, p. 96). This makes innovation more helpful as a study field, because it is thus possible to hypothesize as well as check ideas regarding the situations in which innovation is and is not important. It is argued hither that organizational memory signifies one of the major determinants of the environment of innovative endings.One thing that is clear with remar k to organizational innovation is the effect of earlier practices as well as understanding of the innovating

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Signature Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Signature - Research Paper ExampleAn character of a feeling can be a branding or logo that a criminal leaves at a criminal offense scene. Hence, in the definition, the difference between the dickens can be seen in their relationship to the crime. The earth of these two procedures will be explored further on in the paper. Another difference between a signature and modus operandi is that the later tends to improve over time with the criminals experience and enhancement in skills. However, a signature remains constant in a criminals acts and is deeply root in him/her. Modus operandi tends to change in the form of weapons used, exists and entry routes whilst a signature is adopted when an individual begins his crime and becomes a source of satisfaction, pride and in some situations a justification for criminal behavior (Douglas & Munn, 1992, 1-10). In summation, the two be different because modus operandi feeds and depends on emotional needs whilst a signature is just a procedure. The best management to analyze Modus Operandi is by looking at the background and driving forces between the two procedures. As mentioned above, a criminal leaves his signature as a way of personalizing his crimes. The crime itself and the signature are not directly related and are driven by different forces. There are some(prenominal) factors that influence the signature of the criminal. These include personality, past history, intelligence and mental state (Hazelwood & Warren, 1-14). These often give clues of a criminals psychological and emotional status and often reveal reasons for committing a certain crime. An sheath of the way a criminals signature can portray his or her past is that propose torturer (Turvey & Freeman, 2011). This can represent an individual has been traumatized in his childhood or possesses certain emotional traits such as self hatred. Others who aim to impose authority over a certain group of people may go through past experiences of neglect or sexual abuse (Douglas & Munn, 1992, 1-10). As mentioned above modus operandi and signature bedevil different driving factors. Modus operandi is a process driven by the will of an individual to commit a crime (Hazelwood & Warren, 1-14). This is driven by the experience of an individual and his knowledge on the particular crime, including the best way to carry it out without being caught or compromising his intentions for committing that particular crime. This in turn leads to a play in killing techniques, timing, destruction of evidence and execution (Hazelwood & Warren, 1-14). The MO can change for every victim, for example certain killer may choose different weapons for each target as this may aid increase satisfaction gained from each crime (Hazelwood & Warren, 1-14). In summation, it can be said that all criminals have an MO comprised of habits, techniques and behavioral traits that are performed with the following objectives affect escape, complete the crime and avoid capture. Davi d Berkowitz has one of the close to widely discussed modus operandi in the world. His MO involved.44 Charter arms bulldog revolver as the weapon of choice. The rout out arm as five rounds and is specifically designed for close combat (Gresswell & Hollin, 1994, 307-318). The majority of Berkowitz attacks were blitzed shootings however at times he disguised the crime scene to cover up his true intentions and the nature of the act. For example, in the murder of

Friday, April 26, 2019

Australia Building codes and Compliance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Australia Building codes and Compliance - Essay sheathAnd outdoor parking designation and outdoor dining area are also included. The center of for each one floor of the four storey complex is equipped with an elevator system and fire-isolated stairwell.Ameri understructure Institute of stain Construction. 2012. Engineering FAQs. 11.3.1. What is a fire load? Where do fire loads primarily come from in buildings? Copyright 2012American Institute of Steel Construction, All Rights Reserved. http//www.aisc.org/DynamicTaxonomyFAQs.aspx?id=1994. Accessed 9/4/2012.- The Building code of Australia, a similar set of technical guidelines for the safety and construction of buildings and other structures throughout Australia is adopted under the provisions of the environmental Planning & Assessment Act & Regulation.A proposed building will comply with the BCA to the extent that it satisfies the exercise requirements - this conformance can be achieved by complying with the Deemed-to-Satisfy P rovisions, or through the formulation of an Alternative solution that achieves compliance. Compliance can also be achieved if it can be demonstrated that the proposal is at least equivalent to the Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions, if non matching them directly.In regards to CF1, the fire safety provisions, the proposed structure is limited in height no high than four storeys, and would not comprise extraordinary measures by the fire brigade/fire department to access, withal it requires classification as a Type A construction, so the most effective measures should be implemented. there are no planned architectural features that would add to the fire load of the structure beyond the innate potential of items brought in by inhabitants (Such as obvious plans for accelerant containment/disposal). As defined by Part C, CP1 performance requirements of the National Construction Code. No current plans exist that would enhance the effective wood-equivalent weight of potential

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Operations Management Discussion Questions Assignment

trading operations Management Discussion Questions - Assignment ExampleFurthermore, the place where a in the altogether eagerness is located illustrates the possibilities of your knack succeeding or not succeeding. My organization puts into considerations various criteria on deciding the location of a smart facility. Customer quantity is one of the principles to reflect. The nature of your business determines the nature of your customers, for example, if a facility is a eating house where many people gather, and busy high streets are the best location to place the restaurant (Bognanno, Keane, and Yang, 171). Employees criterion is considered, since for them, the best location is where there is availableness of public assault and reliable local facilities. Suppliers criterion is considered since our facility depends heavily on supplies from other facilities. However, when locating the suitable place, for our facility, we consider expedient alkali links to promise deliveries are quick and easy. Business competitors criterion is another factor we consider when placing a facility. Our organization ensures we dole out with different products from our competitors, and we are not particularly near to them. However, sometimes if we have a competitor with a business rivaling our products we prefer being close to more customers. The criteria my organization considers are appropriate because our facilities have been appreciably successful. Our organization has been effective in choosing appropriate facility location by fully debating on each criterion, depending on the products we are intending to offer and the people we are intending to reach to come with the best locations. DQ1 Responses Strategically selecting a facility is exceptionally vital, as it is one of the major factors to consider when setting up a new facility. Advantages of strategically selecting a location of a facility are easy accessibly to the organization, customer influx in to the organizat ion, easy and quick delivery of supplies and accessibility of good and decorous local amenities and communal transport by employees. Advantages of strategically selecting a location for a facility are well demonstrated by the location of ideal Inland Ports. Spee and Wim demonstrate advantages of the location of the Ideal Island Ports as competent access to logistics services, infrastructure systems and consumer markets (34). Furthermore, its location has supported easy access to advanced transportations infrastructures. The previous ports that are in close neighbourhood with Inland Port were unsuccessful due to poor selection of a potential site (Spee and Wim, 38). The ports were ineffectual to access convenient transportation, delayed supplies of goods, had poor logistics, the consumer market was undesirable, the employees could not access communal transport and decent facilities. These caused the Ports a lot of money to hire transport for the delivery of their supplies. In additi on, due to poor communal transport and local amenities the company incurred extra cost in proving its employees with transport and facilities. The cost incurred by the company is decidedly vital, since if it is not incurred by the company it will lose its employees and its customers due to lack of accessibility to transportation. In addition, the delivery of supplies will become slow, difficult, poor, undesirable services would be offered, and poor

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Identify and discuss three social changes that would need in the Essay

severalise and discuss three social changes that would need in the United States to move toward being a much quietudeful(non-violent) - Essay ExampleThe people are not supposed to be each others enemies (Vesterman, 2007). First, US must vigorously observe its diplomatic similaritys with the Arab world and develop a relation of collaboration and partnership for global economic concerns and amity in traffic. The past decades proved that United States has been belligerent to countries where perceived terrorist groups are existing and where leaders are inclined to violate denuclearization efforts of the United Nations. The global conditions implore that venues for dialogue, interaction, and interfaith discourse be internationalized as inherent not only in diplomatic relations but also in the development of amity of nations to attain global peace. Second, the United States must pursue cultural discourse with the rest of the global community to fully appreciate the diversity and mu lticultural prop of the global village. This mass take place in both online and non-online settings where open communication is possible and where socio-cultural exchanges can be undertaken. This cultural nobility can be integrated as a policy in security management. As US, like its other global alliances, use the military forces in the intervention programs to conflict-affected communities and in regions where reconstruction or rehabilitation is undertaken, the forces should likewise be trained and educated to promote cultural attentiveness and sensitivities to improve US international relations. This can likewise assuage the creation of leeway for economic exchanges where US has interest for trading, especially in oil production. At the domestic level, rigorous transformative policy formulation and enforcement should be undertaken with primacy on providing strategic firmness to domestic issues on job creation, social services delivery, provision of aliveness to communities af fected by climate changes (on reconstruction and rehabilitation) and engaging communities for resiliency. It is likewise paramount that the US must charge on the problems of immigration and encourage their return to their original countries to reduce the risks and vulnerabilities of domestic economy as their influx also added to the problems of unfriendly relations, poor social cohesion, and internal conflicts of interests (Malcom X, 1964). Anent thereto, the government should realize that social changes are prerequisite to attain a positive social changes where individuals and non-government participation is fully appreciated in nurturing world peace and social cohesion. In the historic epoch of civilizations, only peaceful discourse, negotiations, and open interaction can take a shit an environment of peace that could encourage development workers and stakeholders to come together and discuss their situations to advance it at a higher level of relations (Vesterman, 2007). Viole nce and wars out of conflict of interests created losses and even its strategic resolution can only be created in the same path for peace. For peace can only be attained through peaceful means notwithstanding the fact that politics have showed the need for peoples, as stakeholders, to take part in social transformation to make it effective and reflective of its dreams or aspirations as peoples (Vesterman, 2007 Malcom X,

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Local Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Local Policy - Essay Example(Ulin,2002)They believe that a diverse group of people fosters an environment conducive to creativity, productivity and high performance that affords each mortal the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.Proper facilitation and administration provides leverage to the diversity of America as a competitory advantage in the global aspect that they face and to make America a better channelise to live and prosper for immigrants such as the Irish.Diversity in the workforce has contributed to the emergence of awareness and credence of employees from different races, ages and gender. Women are now more involved in different sectors and has made notable contributions as well.The traditional notion that women should be limited to the four corners of the house with the ultimate position as a housewife is now long gone. Single or married women, with or without kids, are continuously essay to flourish their own career profiles for their self-fulfillment and also to help in the financial capacity of the household. sexuality discrimination can unsounded be an hack but not as progressive as it previously was. However, working women are still subject to stereotypes and biases for some of them may be possible victims of injury and bias.Most companies have the tendency to involve and retain working women w... Most companies have the tendency to hire and retain working women who are still single and without some(prenominal) kids. Ideally, they believe that these single women have less responsibilities to fulfill for they are free from the familial problems that arise from arguments with husbands or kids getting sick. This can be an issue for this notion is somewhat subjective and does not really apply to all for there are still working mothers and wives who are able to do their jobs very well. Being a mother is already a huge responsibility and being a wife in another tedious task. However having denary roles to perform outside the wo rkplace may hinder or permit these working women to perform and bind at par with the single women in the workforce. The City of Los Angeles shall work toward implementing the principles of CEDAW to ensure the protection of human rights, including the riddance of discrimination against women and girls. (Willard, 1991)The impact on the criminal justice system is that in undertaking the enforcement of this Ordinance, the City of Los Angeles is assume an undertaking only to promote the general welfare. It is not assuming, nor is it imposing on its officers and employees, an obligation, the breach of which creates any indebtedness in money damages to any person who claims that the breach proximately caused injury. This ordinance does not create any private cause of action. (Ordinance 175735).The Commission on the Status of Women developed guidelines regarding gender analysis. Each department reports each year to the Commission on the Status of Women, in accordance with the establishe d guidelines, on how it is implementing the provisions of CEDAW and

Understanding Animation by Paul Wells Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Understanding Animation by Paul come up - Essay ExampleIn the very early stages of animation, people started thinking that a time ordain come when people will st atomic number 18 at the paintings and will ask themselves why the images or objects are so stiff by nature. Stuart Blackton has played a consid ageble role in distinguishing the theory of alert films as some sort of aesthetic vehicle outside the framework of live action films. The unsubdivided narrative film, The Haunted Hotel (1907), was a perfect example of Blacktons filmmaking concept in which he make use of impressive supernatural sequences in order to convince filmmakers that stir pictures have different woo towards filmmaking and are unlimited in potential. The un-natural actions of The Haunted Hotel and all such animated films produced changes in the overall cultural climate. The Gothic and Romantic fiction movies started to incorporate the use of animations along with technological possibilities of new age o f modernization. The concept of including odd strip into animated films emerged somewhere between 1913 and 1917. In this period of time, filmmakers produced many films, such as, The Newlyweds, woolgathering Dud, and Krazy Kat, in which they integrated the use of comic strips with latest technology and new film concepts. The integration of comic strips determined that animation should relate itself with experimental values. The concept of comic strips into animated films emerged in the U.S. marketplace and when filmmakers, such as, Walter Ruttmann and Oskar Fischinger, brought the concept of experimental abstract animation to the European film industry. The concept of animation in filmmaking reached the heights of maturity in the late 20th century and until now many filmmakers are consistently making use of animated films to attract a large number of people towards the cinema. The creation of Disney rule the medium places in the form of realism and overshadowed the concepts of inn ovation and demeanor-oriented animations. Presently, the principles of movements are over-enunciated in the dictionary of animation. The squash and demoralize mode of Disney animation over compress character movements in order to stick out an over-determined comic style to animation. The subjectivity of animation through the intrinsic capability of the medium for restricting realism made humankind in animation difficult to execute. This chapter also provides us with the information that true animation is not the one, which is not non-linear or non-objective by nature. It means that to create a perfect animated film there must(prenominal) be a contrast of objective and subjective elements present in the film. A perfect animated film is one, which concentrates on the use of unique vocabulary by distinguishing the film from all other filmmaking approaches. abridgment Chapter 2 There are different styles and approaches towards animation. One can possibly argue that the hyperacti ve true to life(predicate) animated movies and the Disney animation are the most prominent and distinguishing approaches towards animation. Many filmmakers from the early era of filmmaking and present era have made use of different animation approaches to create stylish and realistic animation movies. Those approaches provide filmmakers with unique set of rules and guidelines towards animated filmmaking. No approach is similar to any other approach. There are some distinguishing features in each of the approaches, which highlight different

Monday, April 22, 2019

Marketing plan for Riverford Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing fancy for Riverford - Essay ExampleThe measure has also downgraded the staff level into a manageable number with the lecture system maintained. Cost of the merchandize transacted The summation of the products sold to the clients within the next three years will be obtained from the sellers who have been tasked with keeping a record of the orders completed (Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman, and Hansen 2009, p16). Based on the past records, the records have suggested that Riverford affords to possess to at least 600 homes within England on a daily basis. With the launch of the website service, the number is expected to grow to a minimum of 1000 deliveries daily. The transport cost per delivery is expected to cost 15% of the aggregate delivery made, generating a profit of 23% of the total expenses used in production. The costs of internet serve include in the profit ratings include $235 per month, which includes the e-mail service fee. Other Costs The number of transports to be added in the new delivery routine is expected to be added in the sports stadium. The total cost per truck will hike by 10% within the next two years be $500,000 per truck. The proceeds would be based on the ability of the company to employ new employees on the management field with four supervisors on the new branches to cost $2500 monthly. The demoted clients are to be compensated as they have helped founder the leaseed profit and will cost the company an additional $5000 annually for the next three years. The gold used in rent for the new offices to be established to complement the existing blocks is estimated to be costing the financial departments a total of $4, 500/month. The other facilities needed would be new refrigerators to preserve most of the products and extra expenses on the packaging that would utilize the biodegradable packing bags to preserve the environment. There is the need to make in other marketing ventures to sell the newly attained idea to bri ng in online marketing dealership (Baker & Hart 2007, p34). The marketing ventures would include presenting the products on online magazines, covering magazine ads and utilizing community advertising spaces. The company wishes to communicate the services to a market beyond the UK presentation hence the desire to collaborate with major restaurants alike(p) McDonalds. This would cost an added fee of $1500/month in employing skilful advertisers. The above mentioned criteria can be analyzed to present the vision to present the new service on the desired demographic. The leading groups to be served would be included in the family and company setting (Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman, and Hansen 2009, p41). Break even To achieve the desired goods for retention of the employees and deficit the expenditure, in that respect is the need to produce monthly sales of $50, 000 to cater for the incurred costs. The assumption would be placed in the need to venture into new strategies of advertisi ng and completing the sales. The company expects to realize elimination of the competition from small-scale businesses and feign the system of product selection and delivery. Sales forecast The sales have picked up since the company started furnish fruits to the customers who appreciate a wider concentration of the products needed. There company also presents an establishment of the branches that not only assign in the vegetables, but also witness participation in producing juice that sells the

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Wood processing technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wood processing technology - Research Paper eventAesthetically recycled wood could be more resilient and more manageable than actual wood. In terms of strength recycled wood can also be comparable and would be able to withstand the unavoidableness of wood products.The objective of the proposed thesis is to educate the different sectors dependent on wood and the sector that intemperately contribute to wood processes of the advantages of recycled wood. It is also the objective of this thesis to yield alternative processes that would make use of recycled wood rather than raw wood in wood processes. The proposed thesis will be able to provide information on the different qualities and specifications of the different recycling methods and the recycled wood products that they produce.Using secondary sources and the works of others in the same subject of research will enable the proposed thesis to provide reliable information that could be employ by wood producers. Due to the limited time and resources experimentation with regards to the strength and aesthetic pertain of recycled wood cannot be done.There is an increasing need to develop technologies in which renewable visibles are used as direct replacement for non-renewables. Our current rate of consumption of non-renewable are high and in just about cases increasing, but the reserves from which they are obtained are finite and exhaustible. Our present patterns of consumption are not sustainable in the long term. Although this problem appears to be unique to the 21st century, these concerns are not new. (Hill)The wood diligence is on its last breath as the last 10 million trees remaining on the human beings forest are being harvested for its wood. If sustainable wood processing technique is not arrange or developed that would rely heavily on processed wood. The wood industry will cash in ones chips as a trade.Wood processing is the only industry that directly damages the environment. The raw material it self comes

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The role of logic in argumention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The role of logic in argumention - Essay ExampleThe analysis of an argument is material as this particular task asks one to read a brief argument, analyze the reasoning tin it, and write a critique of the argument. Analysis of an argument does not ask one to develop your feature opinion like the analysis of an issue task. The analysis of an argument task involves analyzing a given opinion, including considering supposed assumptions that underline the opinion, counterexamples that may weaken the conclusion, or evidence that may support it. In analyzing an argument it is classic to present a logical flow of ideas, clear control of the English language, and the wont of a satisfying format, with an introduction and a conclusion. Due to the short time limit it is advisable to keep sentences concise and use a few well-developed examples to support ones view. If one knows the elements needed to make argument analysis, the private would be able to exhibit ones ability to write analyt ically.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Non-profit organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Non-profit organizations - Essay ExampleThe problem in human health that arose from the disaster is a major concern worth analysis and discussion. The health deterioration in the coastal region and the island is an figure of concern because the earthquake destroyed the sewage organisation. The lack of a proper sewage system has triggered the bam of waterborne diseases such as cholera in the country. Therefore, there is a need to intervene and sophisticate the order as fast as possible. Restoring the system will help reduce the deaths that ar occurring in the region because of cholera.GoodLifes vision is built towards making the lives of people in the country better and enjoyable. We, therefore, open our camp on regions enduring difficulties due to lack of adequate resources or government intervention. Moreover, the organization intervened in the situation being led by the following principles that form our vision.Considering these objective principles, the vision of the GoodLif e is clear. Our ambition is to manoeuver with the community and to recuperate their life. Our long time goals are to lead non-governmental organisation in providing help to the barren communities in the country. Our position to the vision statement is driven by credible research that moves the community to ask about their problem. The organization analyze problem and outline the possible measures that can be used to cure it.Our specific objective in this mission to solve the problem of the sewage system in the coastal region and the Mentawai Islands. Our specific objectives aims are disconnecting the main cause of cholera in the country. Goodlife aims to reconstruct the sewerage system and build new toilets and latrines. The communities have experienced the problem of sewerage with little support from the government.There are a number of activities that are to be carried out in order to hit our objectives. Goodlife seek do contractors to be involved in the construction of water ways. This canal will ensure

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Public relations in music and media subject Article

Public relations in music and media candid - Article ExampleThis Public relations in music and media subject article describes Ears Music expressage a fiction company utilised for the purpose of this work. On this basis, as a start up venture intending to establish a self sustaining operation by the end of the first three eld trading within Ears Music Limited has decided to move away from the traditional music publish model and set up a publishing company primarily geared towards the film and telly industry and through licensing and synchronisation deals, combine the increasing demand and customer base in the remunerative film and television market with the increased use of digital music consumption through the localisation of melodys in online advertising. This part of Ears Music Limiteds development will be part of arrange 1 in developing the initial growth of the company, which will include a combination of licensing deals, capability joint venture deals and signing staff writers for song placements. Ears Limited will utilise funds unquestionable during phase 2 to further develop joint ventures with digital media agencies to grow the business in online song placement. The intention will then be to re-strategise the business and develop further by developing in-house put down facilities and key song-writer signings. The philosophy of Ears Music Limited is to look towards successfully exploiting opportunities in music publishing distant the traditional music publishing model and continue creating new opportunities in the marketplace to sustain longevity. Moreover, it is submitted that that the contemporary marketplace, the evolution of the internet business model has forced the music business in particular to afterthought corporate marketing strategy and this is further highlighted by the proliferation of the multi-channel retailing paradigm as required retailers to inaugurate in order to maintain position in the marketplace (Levy & Weitz, 2008 K usek, 2008 Gordon 2008). As such, it is submitted

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A History of Labour Day in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A History of Labour twenty-four hours in Canada - Essay ExampleOn a Sunday flush a century ago this weekend, 14,000 francophone workers gathered on Old Montreal to prepare for labor party Day. Instead of yelling through the streets, they quietly converged in Notre Dame Church, where Paul Bruschesi, then Archbishop of Montreal, urged them to shun strikes and show reverence to their employers. That alike(p) day, 2,000 Anglophone workers descended on what later became St. Patricks Basilica, in the core of modern downtown Montreal, to prepare for the next days parade. They heard the like dont-rock-the-boat message as clergy instructed them to put their trust in church arbitrators to resolve disputes over pay, hours and conditions of work and otherwise issues. Now two Toronto historians read crafted an illuminating, sometimes offensive retrospective of how craunch Day has been marked crosswise Canada. With anecdotes like those above, York University history professor Craig Heron and Steve Penfold, an assistant professor of history at the University of Toronto, deliver real(a) analysis. They show how the Labor movement has evolved since the 1880s, along with Canadian society as a whole.In some parts of the country, Labor Day would eventually die out completely as a workers festival, or limp on as a spiritless exercise in commercialized civic boosterism robust words, Stirring prose.In significant ways, the authors conclude, Labor Day in Canada is the story of a holiday that never rattling belonged to workers and has been supplanted by such holidays as May Day and International Womens Day. Their tone is not entirely acerb or sardonic, though. Heron and Penfold linger in loving detail over the floats, costumes, banners and placards that once made Labor Day parades a key event on community calendars. And they illustrate their points with superbly evocative photos. thus far readers inclined to disagree with their hard-edged assessments will concede that Her on and Penfold have laid invaluable groundwork in an area that to date has been poorly documented. They note that times have changed. Early in the last century, no Asian workers from British Columbias fish-packing plants and sawmills ever got invitations to join the West Coast marchers. In fact, they add, Victorias tailors carried a banner in 1901 blaming the Chinese for their plight.Heron and Penfold were hampered, while researching the book, by the fact that few records of past Labor Days have survived, beyond newspaper accounts of the day. In typically quiche fashion, they note that an 1898 parade float by Winnipeg tailors lambasted the awarding of a city-council contract for firemens uniforms to a local sweat shop -- an open display of dissent that was apparently treat by the mainstream newspapers. They learned of it from a small workers newspaper.In this painstakingly researched volume they elaborate how Labor Day parades have had splendid moments in our history. Primarily, th e parades were a much sought-after festival aimed at eliciting attention to the social function and needs of Labor. They became a very rich art form developed jointly by make workers in Canada. Nevertheless, they were also bitterly disheartening to those who attempted to indulge masses of workers in the celebration. The first Labor Day procession was in Toronto in 1882. At that time one of the demands of Labor was to call for a public enquiry into the status of

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Global Issues and Institutions Essay Example for Free

Global Issues and Institutions EssayChristian Nazis killed millions of Jews in the twentieth century. whitethornbe it just happens so that the terrorists are all pass oned Islamists nowadays, as U. S. foreign insurance is commissioned on fighting Islamic extremism. The fall in States has also been playing an important role in the Middle East conflict. So far it has not been able to decide upon the side it takes, even though it appears to many that the U. S. sides with the Jews rather than the Arabs in the Holy Land. Then again, regardless of U. S.foreign policy, the fact remains that to the highest degree major international conflicts in the twentieth and twenty first century have revolved near differences in religion. It is a paradox, though, that religion is essentially practiced for peace. Universal Education Many attempts have been do to understand the sociological basis of terrorism. According to a smart field of force on the causes of terrorism, ordinary lot can b e easily influenced into violence ( spic-and-span Research Into Causes Of Terrorism Reveals People Turn To felo-de-se Bombing To Preserve Identity, 2007). Interactions with comrades who provide an emotional haven in addition to a clear focus for turbulent energies may very well serve as a cause of suicide barrage fire (New Research Into Causes). In order to root out this cause of suicide bombing, the new study suggests that it is essential for a group that believes in suicide bombing to have interactions with people who do not consider violence as a way to achieve immortality or the kingdom of God (New Research Into Causes). The best method of interaction is, no doubt, education of the diversity of cultures and experience of the people of the world.The joined Nations and other organizations that are not related to specific nations must be imparting an education of linguistic universal values to the people who may otherwise give into suicide bombers. After all, illiteracy may turn into a serious illness. In fact, all problems around the world seem to have been caused by it. Although the United Nations repeatedly speaks of universal education, it remains an unaccomplished goal. transnational Law The Internet and globalization make it necessary to change international laws and empower the International Court of Justice. Rights of foreigners are not always respected.Let us consider the example of environmental problems to understand this issue of global importance. The Ramsar Convention is one of the treaties to help improve the environment. But, such conventions are not meant to be regulatory bodies that could compel contracting parties to follow their guidelines under the rule of law. If the contracting parties fail to fulfill their contract obligations, there are no punitive measures taken by the Ramsar Convention, although the impairment of the Convention are said to constitute a solemn treaty, and are therefore considered binding in international law (The Ramsar Convention, 2007). What is truly needed is to make such conventions binding in international law. At present, no contracting party can be compelled to follow the guidelines of any such convention. By empowering the International Court of Justice to undertake the task, it may indeed become possible to develop a new convention on climate change for both the developed and developing countries.What is more, like the no fry left behind law, the new convention should aim to include every single country on the face of the earth. References New Research Into Causes Of Terrorism Reveals People Turn To Suicide Bombing To Preserve Identity. (2007, May 12). Medical News Today. Retrieved Nov 27, 2008, from http//www. medicalnewstoday. com/articles/70717. php. The Ramsar Convention. (2007). Retrieved Nov 27, 2008, from http//www. ramsar. org/index_about_ramsar. htm.

Performance Appraisal and Its Negative Feedback Essay Example for Free

Performance Appraisal and Its Negative Feedback EssayA performance appraisal system of rules had been established in that crocked several years ago. The vigilance with the help of consultants, conducted several innovative experiments and introduced m any improvements in their existing system. The company believes that the system of performance appraisal is a strong tool and if it is wrongly rated, the results may mar . It printed on the format , a flowchart with full details mentioning dates and months for execution. At premier ,it would go to the appraisee who would write down, if any, all his non-routine and excellent achievements in the self-appraisal column. Then the rather, his immediate boss ,would put his remarks on this and would rate the appraise by ticking outstanding, good,fair and unsatisfactory on the columns of quality of output, job knowledge, decision-making, communication skills, pitying relations, planning and organizing, creativity and initiative, leaders hip, time management etc. The reviewer would thoroughly review column by column and would give his opinion. Before it was sent to the top management for better transparency, the signature of the appraisee was obtained.This system was in vogue and the management took pride in this modified system, which resulted in retention of employees. The blank form was presumptuousness to SD Misra ,Manager (HR),a very sincere and a highly dedicated employee, who had achieved outstanding rank for the last six years, for piece in the self-appraisal column. He did certain critical jobs during the year and wrote cardinal. One, the industry suffered a scarcity of peeing during summer, which bear on their industrial canteen also. Misra who was in-charge of the canteen, went to the small dam from where they receive water.He found the pipeline supplying water to the industrys main pump during night time everyday. One night, he went along with his companion and observed to his surprise that the em ployee of the dam has closed the valve of their pipeline and had opened some other valve for supply of water to another company. They caught that person and stopped this malpractise and continued to visit that place during nights for more than a week. The problem of scarcity of water was solved with this initiative.Two, there was an accident just outside the factorys gate where one of the employees was killed by a speeding lorry. It was about 215 p. m. when Misra received this sad news. He rushed to the sense of touch and identified the employee. The doctor of their first-aid was brought who declared the employee dead. He took the responsibility of breaking this news to his family staying at a resolution at a distance of 12 kms. He met the police, who had already reached the accident spot, and ccompletely involved himself in the consentient job of police formalities, post-mortem of the body.Due to some politicians interference, the family members refused to accept the body till the management promised a job for one of the family members of the deceased. Misra made successful negotiations with the family, which gave up its agitation and accepted the body for the cremation. He received two appreciation letters from MD for these two successful achievements. Three, once Misra arranged a meeting for finalizing a three-day in-house training programme at one of their group companies,73 kms away.He was to go three along with his three colleagues. The driver was told to make jeep ready. Next morning, there were to start by 7 a. m. and all four were present. The driver phoned saying that his daughter was sick and he could not come to duty. Misra was firm in his resolve that Our programme goes on as usual and there shall be no postponement. Misra tell that he is going to drive the jeep and said One employee cannot disturb any of our scheduled programmes. He drove the jeep to and fro and finished the job successfully.Having written these three achievements in the sel f appraisal column,he turn over them over to his immediate boss, KM Singh, Sr. Manager(HR),in a confidential envelope. KM Singh, who is known to be a procrastinator and lethargic, kept pending all appraisal forms till last day. Further, he had three interrogative reports for study and comments. Out of these, one was a showcase of suspension pending enquiry. He had kept pending all these reports and appraisals, which had now become urgent. His boss was pressurizing him to complete this jobs immediately.KM Singh took up the suspending pending enquiry case first . It took more than a day. He then began rating nine appraisals and completed the job without any concern for the consequences. The form, with comments of the rater and the reviewer, came back to Misra for his signature. He was shocked and reacted very sharply. It was an unsatisfactory appraisal which he had seen for the first time. The tranquil and gentle Misra lost all his patience. He now began thinking. KM Singh wanted to promote his junior, Srivastav, and had deliberately bollix his appraisal.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Flowers Essay Example for Free

Flowers EssayFlower is abeautiful things for me.I like it so much.Ilike to give all individual that.I love them tiptops to exepres my love and recpect for them.We sack up see the crown in many places such us tend house and farms.It have amany beautiful colours like tearing,light pink and dark pink,yellow and white.for me I like the ablaze(p) flower becous it meems the love.Know I wont to give my teacher this flower to exepres my love and recpect for her. Information ab step forward flowersmunicipal offline Avatar municipal flower of great beauty with red and purple and other glosss and the bloom nicknamed Queen of flowers because the Avatar has a beautiful watch and the smell of a smart stay presbyopic and seeing the flowers before sunset to extend the life of Rose and reap a portion is a short section by scissors so as non to dissection manoeuver offline and then fixed Rose immersing the leg in the water in the deep water for about an hour.Lotus flower Is the flower was taken by the old army informed him, and lotus leaf ground and boorish leg undecomposed has many branches and flowers graphic yellow dissimulation, transcend with some red spots, and the lotus ready rises from 15 cm to 30 cm and a lotus flower in a colorize substance analgesic anti-spasm and has an uncanny ability to cure infections , and lotus flowers flowers thin can not cede transport from one place to another and is also picked to cause her death quickly and lotus in Egyptian mythology reflect the childhood of innocent flying from the heart of the flower white, flower lotus grows with sunshine and grows in the ponds of static water in the marshes wide in the Fayoum and the the surface of quiet water in the foot hills of the desert has been called the Pharaohs on the lotus flower beautiful or Nangr because it is the most perfect flowers and the lotus flower with a blue lady perfume and brightest of the white lotus.Violet Trees of violet are Kaloashab belittled but bushes Accessories leaves in the form of tablets have a immense neck and flowers in the axes of shrubs, each flower grows in the branch and its reach is long and the color of flowers white or purple, violet leaves heart-shaped and the flowers her legs long and is yellow or blue and Tguettaf flowers violet in the proterozoic hours of the morning because the smell stronger in the early morning and violet flowers, but do not live long after the cut out of the water as quickly appended to their necks He shall be placed in water immediately or transfer to another place, wrapped in paper to protect it during transport.Narcissus Its leaves are similar to drive 5 or six in number, and a page of paper upright and culminates coiffe Zahrtan extended color sulfur, and flowers of narcissus Municipal harvested early in the morning and the smell pungent and stronger than those harvested in the middle of the day for they shall be then, a few essential oils that evaporate with boost temperatur e of the atmosphere.Camellia Girls dendritic sprouting flowers in pass and spring and flowers Alcamili pink or red or white, a appoint beautiful lives in the rear end does not need a small amount of sunlight, but needs to light a lot, and can be grown Camellia seeds or planting can also cut his mind by the buds of the leg A plants and planting from September to February each year.Willow Large manoeuvre grows on the shores of canals and drains, rising to about about 25 meters and its subsidiaries medium extroversion and upright form of verdure oil overstep with fluffy white, leaves paint the parties, the length of paper 12 cm and view 3 cm, we get the tree serrated edge, with some yellow flowers and most of the flowers of the white a tree for decoration and magnificent beauty.Six-Hassan seed a beautiful name of scientific Belladonna It grows in the countrys warm and temperate, a grass not a tree land with a height of 600 to 4150 cm, roots thick and leg strong upright and leave s oval are really to Zjh but greasy, and the flowers six-Hassan Ali bell-shaped red beautiful shape and its fruits village verdancy and then turns to a red flower and then turn to black after matureness is not eaten because they are toxic to produce mature seeds.Henna flowers Henna shrub agricultural roots and red legs and branches fluffy white bark and leaves are opposite and the neck of a small hump in the form of a bright green leaves and flowers are used for dyeing the hair and strengthen it to need with it.Chickpea flower Herbal plant farm on his leg Qraaa cruel and libra supra of from 30 to 50 cm papers vehicle Oriqath oval serrated flowers central focal color tends to red and white but the fruits of chickpeas is centuries in the form of an egg tip hooked and this fruit is a nice taste and health benefits.Sunflowers Flower plant sunflower plant long-average leg, but hollow, this flower such as the disk of the sun bloom with the first light of the sun and pay attention to the bright and still move with the movement of the sun until it reaches the west and the sunflower plant agricultural measures about two meters leg rigid upright and Haah weak and leaves a large heart-shaped and the plant Sunflower inclined(p) by the Indian sacred and loved the Egyptian street.Cactus flower Is the blossom of the yellow color and large size is the plant flesh Akats material Alklorvil green rises from 2 to 5 meters and racks Yearbook oval shape and a length of from 30 to 40 cm and width of from 20 to 50 cm promises green with forks long characterized by flowers that the materials for the salivary and sugar and acid, citric acid and apple and fruit is very nutritious.Flowers lilies flag white plant rises from 60 to 100 cm flowers large Vuahh the blue and central color of the yellow-and-leaf pin articulated shape and leg strong and there are some flowers for color and white topped illustrate red Rakech scarlet side is yellow from 5 to 8 cm.Papyrus flowers Papyrus plant long family Alkhimih and grows in swamps in the Delta and its roots are deepening in the mud and his legs stretch up on the section of a three-form flowers, papyrus is in the form of a tent and with a complicated thicket of dense they resemble the sun and used in the manufacture of paper papyrus for piece of writing was called the paper Royal, a evergreen and flowers bouquets were made of papyrus in the temples of God and drawing closer to the plant is still located in the southern Bahr el Ghazal River Nile.Flowers of the pomegranate Pomegranate trees with a height of 3 to 5 meters in his leg smooth and branches upright and the leaves are opposite and in the form of get laid blossom pomegranate five petals and the color purple and out of the fruits of spherical large the teeth loving cup him peel the heart and start a green color and then begin to flush with maturity within the fruit seeds of a small claims Frend Frend surrounding this core fluid and the birthplace of the pomegr anate tree in Persia and the Pharaohs.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Little Girl Eater Evaluative Phase Essay Example for Free

The Little Girl eater Evaluative Phase EssayI was most pleased with my own unique style and how it influenced the pigeonholing to make the drama piece feel as if the auditory modality were more part of it even though my part was not cowcatcherly a very significant one it became a vital supporting(a) role save not overpowering contribution to the non-naturalism was credibly the most noticeable as I am highly enthusiastic about performing them as it can be ridiculously surreal and however captivate the listening seriously though without the kindling it would seem inappropriate and we were supposed to attain to perform without lighting or sound. I thought my narration flowed at the correct pace which is unconnected my usual self as normally I rush speaking long identifys and mumble which is how I normally speak anyway but I have to concentrate to speak loudly and intelligibly because normally people can understand when I am just talking to them because I am not talkin g from distance and a banding of people and I am hopeless at consciously making the effort of speaking louder.Our group drawd a more complex story line than we set out at first to do as we felt we were up for something hard, which created a lot more challenging all round as the narrating would have to be more detailed and precise, in addition the acting needs to grip the audience so that they wont miss a scene another(prenominal) catastrophe could occur and the audience might stop watching for a couple of minutes and the succour would of have been spoilt, we to a fault used as much of the original text as we could so that the audience had something familiar a swell as completely astray to their conception of Mirandas future or past. We targeted to create an understanding of the important subject of facing death as it comes to you, we seemed to of have achieved this well through the pipeline between Miranda (Played by Megan) and the ghost of Paul Mason (played by Tim), In this scene i was beaming with the build up of the ever raising voices and background music because of the way it was so convincing and that the audience were captivated throughout more then any other scene.Jake worked the Lighting box for us and he carried it out with exceedingly high standards specially as it was his first attempt ever at lighting in a lighting box. We did not use costume in the final performance, however though we did have some good ideas such as for Paul Mason we were going to have whitish blue contact lenses and white robes for an eerie appearance because he is a spirit returning from the dead, for everyone else It call in it would be appropriate to have a black base with maybe a few occasional(a) accessories like hats and belts but something different for Miranda that would show that she was the only one who could see the ghost, which would of have created an effective contrast.The other groups performances were all fantastic. It was very prepare that everyone contributed metaphorically heavily into their performance. I cant remember the group but I can remember that there was a marvellous exploration of the topic of finding a long lost family and the emotions that come with them quite often trauma, confusion and recklessness. In the group consisting of Kathryn Gray, Sophie Bridges, Yannick Mitchell and Nyiesha, they had very clear non-naturalistic scenes the most effective from my point of view was their Physical theatre clocks performed by Yannick and Kathryn. Sophie Bridges probably narrated the best out of the groups as she had a lot of lines and had to spontaneously improvise which she managed so well I only realised when it was mentioned by one of their group members.My favourite performance was that of The group consisting of Ayla Cunningham, Stephanie Dunstan And Jake Nason. All of the ideas were original and Exciting They had very slick movement between scenes with their non-naturalism. Ayla took on a challenge of taking on a de manding, authoritative role which she pulled off convincingly even if she had do one or devil mistakes in her lines she covered them up well by not hesitating the slightest when correcting herself Which would normally be subdued to pick up on but it some seemed as if it were planned before hand.Luke Bacon, Tabbatha Clarke and Alfie Butler performed an almost completely improvised performance as two of their group members were missing twice in a row. their performance was great fun to watch as they had not had time to polish and improve still managing a captivating atmosphere the lighting was also timed in an appropriate manner aft(prenominal) some difficulties at the start with a loose connection to one of the wires in the lighting box.This unit of The Little Girl Eater has affected my way of looking at others needs and how they are sometimes more important then mine even if they seem not to be and that I should be considerate to others welfare unless they take it for granted in which case I would leave them be as they do not deserve any help what so ever. I have also lay down that usually there is logic beneath everything even if it seems unjustifiable. I learnt that revenge should be dealt with careful precautions and that when relations it to consider their state of mind at the time to the state of mind they are in now, also would they change what they had do if they could? would be a good question to ask yourself, also to remember how it made you feel and that you are just as bad as them if you do to them as they have done to you.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Hartwick College Essay Example for Free

Hartwick College EssayIn this invite out, we are shown insight into what daubs eccentric has blend, by reacquainting him with the convict Magwitch. In this second visit, we can see the contrast between straps first encounter, and this much shocking scene how Pips persona has changed from an innocent youth, to a selfish, egocentric gentleman. Also, we are given the startling divine revelation of Pips true benefactor, in a cumulative peak of excitement enriched with hellion unique writing style. throughout the text, Pips manner towards others, his way of thinking and even his narrative voice transform to create two moderately different characters. The extract pictures him as a selfish, pompous young man who shows great ingratitude towards Magwitch request inhospitably enough whether he would like to come in and pushing away a supplication for affection, from one who has worked hard all his emotional state merely to provide Pip with a great wealth, and an easy lifestyl e. When Magwitch returns to greet his beneficiary, he is treated with less than minor courtesy. Pips younger character however appears far more(prenominal) innocent, showing respect and even compassion towards a convict, who threatens and oppresses him, glad that his stolen food is enjoyed by a cop stranger.This highlights a stark contrast between the Pip displayed in the extract, and Pips younger self. Indeed Dickens seems to window pane out the irony of such a title at the point in time when company considers him gentleman he is anything but gentle instead he appears malicious and critical of his former hero Joe whose visit he awaits with mortification. The wealthy gentleman is now a moral shadow of the impoverished until now guiltless Pip we are introduced to at the beginning of the story.His simultaneous ascent to aristocracy and fall into selfish spendthrift, kick the bucketing to his subsequent redemption, are reminiscent of the education novel popular at the time. T hese tales of apprenticeship were often of ill-treated orphans who managed to become wealthy and favored. The stories featured the many obstacles that the hero/heroine would contrive to overcome, and their popularity peaked around Dickens time. Typically, they seek the youth and young adulthood of a sensitive protagonist who is in search of the meaning of life and the nature of the world (David Cody, Associate Professor of English, Hartwick College.)They tended to contain autobiographical elements, and were sometimes influenced by contemporary amicable and industrial transformations. There are likewise some other genres on which the story touches upon, namely the gumption novel the numerable maculation twists and shocking revelations form a large part of the structure in this extract we see the startling disclosure of Pips true benefactor, which most contemporaneous readers would perhaps not carry guessed. Indeed, these climatic scenes are pivotal to the books success as a serialisation, as well as a novel.To maintain post in a book that is staged in weekly instalments, Dickens uses a variety of sub-plots to keep the reader engrossed. This eccentric writing style gives the text a unique quality, and the general effect on the reader is one of shock and intrigue. The rendezvous with the convict in the graveyard, and his death, Miss Havishams fire, and the clash with Orlick are among the most memorable completions we experience as well as Pips second meeting with Magwitch. In this passage, we can see how the writer cultivates tension and makes the most of Magwitchs secret.When extract reaches a pinnacle of excitement, many sentences become long and drawn out, and sentence complexity increases, leaving the shorter, snappier why, Wemmick and would it be J? to push promote interest in the plot, and give a tense, nervous atmosphere. As the scene draws to its zenith, as Pips heart (beats) like a heavy hammer of disordered action, we see powerful metap hors, and repetition of prominent, emotive language (dangers, disgraces, consequences) to give a sense of anxiety and intensify the scene. Language is overly used here to alienate the convict from Pip himself.The rich, throaty slang of Magwitchs arterwards, speclated and warmint contrasts against Pips more noble speeches of how he cannot wish to re novel that chance intercourse and inquires of the messenger since he undertook that trust. The way Dickens estranges Magwitch from Pip is significant it symbolizes the delusional notion that Pip is a gentleman, and that he is superior to the convict. Pip believes himself to be changed since that first chance meeting in the graveyard, and thinks that he is now preceding(prenominal) Magwitch, who is by and by all a criminal.The irony experienced by the reader is that Pips great wealth and speed class lifestyle is solely attributable to Magwitch himself, and this too is the source of the shock Pip describes. The way Dickens depicts Pip s feelings is extremely powerful, as we see Pip suffocating merely from the shock of this news, news that his almost successful attempt to become a gentleman was funded by the dark relic of his youth, whos felonious past appears further from gentry as is possible.This is of course, not the first time we see Pips character interrupted by members of his puerility there was his meeting with Mr Pocket on his arrival to capital of the United Kingdom, and more important, Joes visit to Pip in his London flat. This meeting, like the one with Magwitch we see in the extract, stresses the change we have seen in Pips character by study his manner towards someone he knew as a boy, and how he acts towards them now.Upon his visit, Joe is not treated with hostility as such, but Pip denotes that he certainly would have paid money to keep him from coming. As a boy, Pip always stayed friends with Joe despite his obvious stupidity and clumsiness, yet now he wishes more than anything to avert him. Pi ps dismissal of Joe in this way turns the reader against him slightly up until now we have supported Pip as the good guy. Pips corruption from an innocent youngster to a snide gentleman, and then back into a more honourable businessman.This cycle of purity, corruption and redemption is an ongoing theme in Great Expectations, and makes tough references to Christian beliefs of how the life of greed and sin that Pip lived in London, on the wealth of a convict, lead to a corroded innocence that was only liberated through his consequent illness and then his new beginning with Estella. The other theme that appears in the novel, is that of justice and the just punishment of crime.We first see this in the appearance of a convict (though this method of punishment was stopped in 1868 several years after the novel was written) and Dickens portrayal of him as an honest man, who admits to the theft of some broken wittles and a dram of liquor to save Pip from his sister, Mrs Joe. And again, M rs Joe herself ties in to the punishment theme, her harsh disciplining of her husband and brother again lets us sympathise with those who are chastised, and not the chastisers.Later in the book, we see another example of this when Magwitch is caught. And more knotty instances of punishment such as Mrs Havisham burning for her corruption of Estella (corruption almost being a theme in itself) are also present in the text, giving us a thorough impression of how those who put crime will always be brought to justice. The time setting of the novel allows Dickens to include these ideas of somatic punishment, convicts and public hangings. To a fresh reader, these archaic, brutal methods of upholding the law appear old-fashioned.However, readers of the time would most probably have experienced these events fist-hand, in one way or another. Moral preachings of more passive action towards prisoners and criminals would be relatively new to them, whereas nowadays such views are accepted as s tandard. The feelings created by the views Dickens has on delinquency, and its retribution, are therefore significantly different between readers of-the-time and present day students. As a modern audience, we also feel compelled, excited, and fascinated by the books intricate plotlines, particularly in this extract.To inspire such inviolable emotions, Dickens uses many lingual and structural functions, the aforementioned effectiveness of metaphors and imagery to name one. He also writes in the 1st person, which is pivotal to the feelings the book creates the story is far more personal and involving. Dickens also entwines his plots and subplots very carefully to create a prominent air of tension. As he builds up to the climax of one plot twist, he continues to insert little mini-dramas that leave us waiting for the main plot line to continue. He does this quite often in the novel, and it makes the reading most tense and far less predictable.To a less observant reader, Magwitchs retu rn would be a complete surprise this is where the majority of this extracts attraction lies. Overall, this extract is in fact one of the most outstanding scenes in the book. The build up of excitement onwards the final revelation of Pip your him is done with a variety of complex, literary devices, and the twist in the plot and return of a familiar character add to its success. It calls attention to Pips new assumed role, as a self-centred ungrateful gentleman, and is characteristic of Dickens writing style.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Teacher Leadership Essay Example for Free

Teacher Leadership EssayCollaborative professional reading is important and push aside positively affect student learning. The more time instructors are given to plan, discuss, find oneself and learn from other teachers the more diverse and active their classrooms can be. Students leave behind see how teachers working in concert have a cohesive environment in the school and see how team grammatical construction can really be effective. Collaboration also allows teachers to discuss common discipline rules and procedures so students know on that point is a common expectation in all of their classes. It also gives teachers time to discuss students strengths and weaknesses across mental ability areas to help improve student achievement. The learn implementation process can also support teacher development. Coaching can be beneficial for all teachers depending on the type of train being utilized. new-fashioned teachers will require more intensive coaching. This can include informing the new teachers of the social aspects of the building on top of curriculum, classroom management, and discipline policies.More experienced teachers may only require coaching when new instructional procedures need to be implemented in the classroom. I will use mentoring, coaching and collaboration to further my professional development. Being a part of the teaching profession is the desire to be a lifelong learner. Mentoring, coaching and collaborating are ways to be supported and support your colleagues. I will use the information that I obtained from this course to help become more active as a teacher leader in my building. The only program that I have experience with is the one in my school district.As a new teacher to the district four years ago, I was entered into when I started. The program offered was very successful in my mind. As a new teacher, you can feel overwhelmed and unsure of yourself. The mentoring/coaching program provides a safety net and a master teach er for discussion and support. As a product of a mentor and coaching program, I still go to my mentor for revalue and support. I was lucky enough to have such an amazing experience, which in turn led me to pocket edition a Masters degree in Teacher Leadership.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Literary Analysis of Barn Burning Essay Example for Free

Literary Analysis of Barn burning EssayChild abuse has been a common occurrence through pop the times of this world. In the level Barn Burning that was written by the author William Faulkner, a story is told of a boy named Colonel Sartoris Snopes who lives with his family. His perplex is a man who has seen the brutality of war and has a very cold heart. His name is Abner Snopes. His heart is so cold that it is almost as if he is not even human. William Faulkner in the story uses words equivalence Abner Snopes to a house fly, or stinging wasp and also says that he lifts his hand like a curled claw.This suggests that the Author was laborious to give the readers an image of Abner Snopes being someone who lacked human qualities. Mainly he lacked qualities such as compassion and understanding. Abner Snopes outer appearance completely reflects his inner emotions. His leg being chance event in the war as he was attempting to steal confederate horses from for his very own self pro fit, drags prat him everywhere he goes. This image fits rise with the strange ideology of family values he has, as well as the inner corruption and love of revenge that this character embodies.He compensates for these lack of human qualities by ruling over his family with an iron fist, and bring violence to anyone who he believes that has done wrong towards him. In the begin of the story Sartoris and Abner Snopes are in a court room being accused of burning ware another mans barn. Mr. Harris, the barn owner, explains how Abner Snopes pig repeatedly broke through hia fence escaping into Mr. Harriss property. After multiple occurrences Mr. Harris demands one dollar from Abner Snopes for the return of his animal.A man is sent to Mr.Harriss with the bullion to buy back the hog however as a leaving message the man forewarns Mr. Harris that forest and hay are combustible. The judge decides that that alone is not enough to be used as trial impression so the case is dismissed. Howeve r, the judge lets Abner Snopes know that he wants him out of the county for good. Throughout the story it is obvious the Sartoriss tyro is trying to influence him by teaching him how to be corrupt and embrace revenge trying to fool him with words such as being loyal to your family before anything else. (Faulkner) Colonel Sartoris Snopes is quite different from his father.Although his father attempts infusing him with potentially corruptive influence Sartoris has a sense of justice. His father tries to manipulate him by continuously explaining to him the splendor of family loyalty, yet Sartoriss conscious doesnt agree with everything his father has to do or say. Sartoriss worldview and righteousness was for more mature than that of his brothers who lacks the will power to stand up to his father. Eventually the family arrives to their new home. Destiny plays out and eventually Abner Snopes gets into his another argument and confrontation has begun.Abner snopes ruins a rug with man ure and is told to clean it. He tries but the rug is ruined beyond repair so he is ordered to make a payment. He refuses, so once again they find themselves in court and he is than forced to pay for it. preclude and outraged Abner Snopes embraces his wanting of revenge and plans to light fire to the rug owners barn. He pours kerosene into a container and demands his watchword Sartoris to fetch him the oil. Instead he manages to escape and warn the owners of the barn of what is going on and his father is scape and killed. Sartoris acted out of the spur of the moment but he did what his heart wanted him to do.He sees through his get downs attempts of manipulation and puts an end to his reign of terror over his family. In the end he decides that stand-in he was receiving from his family that his father stated that they were continuously giving him, was something that he could do without. This story is not a typical one when it comes to the topic of child abuse. Most people would t hink that they would hear about starvation, or beatings, or sexual molestation. But child abuse is harming a child whether it be mentally or physically and forcing a child to live with something like this can be severely mentally damaging.

Monday, April 8, 2019

The Evolution of Morality Essay Example for Free

The Evolution of ethics EssayDe Waal, author of Good Natured, is one of the most foremost proponents of debate over the exploitation of morality. He is a famous primatologist and ethologist who bases his opinions partially on Darwinism and partially on his own personal viewing of primates. tally to De Waal, morality comes from two separate sources. De Waals theory of morality rests upon the observations of primate bearings of empathy and sympathy, the selection of kin, reciprocal self-sacrifice with regards to fairness, and the truthful ability to stimulate along, in conjunction with the idea that one part of our valet de chambre morality is biologic and one part is a result of ethnic development. If the idea of a moral enter were to be described using only one source, the theory would fail almost immediately. In the human sector, de Waal suggests that our cultural norm is a result of the collaboration of two separate things. The first would be our biologic makeup. He claims that all humans are born with or so sort of moral ideas. These are, in some cases, fueled by the unreserved needs and desires that simply come with the territory of universe an infant, adolescent, or adult.However, the simple existence of an awareness of what is right and what is wrong is in no way weighty plenty to bring a full-fledged code of morals. In order for it to be a sense that is strong enough to sway human behavior it needs to be manipulated by an new(prenominal) set of values. This is where cultural purpose begins to play a part. Much of the humans idea of a moral code is insert in what society believes to be correct behavior. This arouse encompass many things whether it be how a confederacy should function, how other humans would like to be treated, or the innate desire for friendship.The key point that de Waal is stock to make is that our human morality is consistently evolving with the times. Fairness, normality, and obligation are cultural ideas f ormed simply by the majoritys expectations. De Waals theory rests upon the fusion of these two human traits. However, his ideas also draw from conclusion of his own scientific observations in the field of primates. However, human morality is not a impression that trick be grasped simply by what has occurred to actual human beings over the course of history.In order to full understand it, one must take into consideration the fact that there may be other entities that practice or abide by the same moral code. De Waal is famous for stating that By limiting the concept of morality to the form that is able to be practiced by human beings, we are limiting our fellow feeling of what made us moral in the first place (4). The building blocks of morality encompass many different characteristics that even primates lay down. The ones that are most plainly identifiable in animal behavior are empathy, the selection of kin, reciprocal altruism, demonstrations of fairness, and even their need to resolve conflict.These are all human traits that can undoubtedly be recognized come onside of the human spectrum at an undeniable level. This is where de Waals theory comes in. His evolution of morality stands on the idea of primates also exemplifying human characteristics. The first and most obvious things that primates show are empathy and sympathy. Some would argue that all animals contain this trait because of the need to hold and care for young. They are shown through multiple things whether it be emotional attachment, giving simple help to a fellow monkey, or caring for children.De Waal gives a specific example of this when he tells of Yeroen. This primate has just mazed a pertinent fight over who go away take leadership in his community. Instead of being left to fend for himself emotionally, another young chimpanzee runs over to console him. De Waal also offers multiple flashbacks of monkeys protectively positioning themselves with and around those who are wounded or are their family. Many of these things are human tendencies and de Waal wastes no time in using them to support his ideas of the evolution of morality. Familial bonds are also something that is, surprisingly, not unique(p) to human nature.The selection of kin is also seen in primate life. Maternal instincts are strong, and a pose is often seen as the head 1 / 2 of his family. De Waal writes Attached with an emotional umbilical cord to her offspring, the primate mother is never free (122). The community also institutes multiple ideas of rank and order within their tribes as well. The story of Socko stealing alpha male Jimohs choice female and suffering wrath for it is a prime example. Reciprocal altruism can arguably be the most obvious way in which primates demonstrate a code of morality. This is simply the idea of a Golden Rule.Often times, cultural expectations are tied to what one person (or in this case primate) will do with the expectation that they will ultimately receive th e same treatment. Many societies base their entire code of ethics around this simple truth, so it is impossible that chimpanzees do this without knowing. Fairness is another trait that de Waal rests his theory upon when it comes to what he has observed in the world of primates. He claims that as a community they share food, take revenge, and even executively hand out justice. There are ranks and rules that need to be followed.This goes hand-in-hand with the final building block which is the ability to resolve conflict. deep down a communal setting, this is an inevitable side affect. De Waal writes Golden monkeys do it with mutual hand-holding, chimpanzees with a kiss on the mouth, bonobos with sex, and tonkeana macaques with clasping and lipsmacking. Each species follows its own peacemaking protocol (176). De Waal concludes his book Good Natured with his statements over moral code as a whole.Ultimately, he lends notability to the idea that humans came up with a case for morality pa rtially because of biological makeup and partially because of cultural compromise and normality. However, his theory is different in his insistence that primates demonstrate the building blocks of a code of morality in their portrayal of empathy and sympathy, their selection of kin, reciprocal altruism, and the ability to get along in regards to fairness and resolving conflict.The fusion of these three things is what de Waal rests his case upon, with much credibility. References De Waal, Frans. Good Natured The Origins of recompense and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals. Cambridge, MA Harvard UP, 1996. Print. POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Economics - Supply and Demand of Beef in the United States Essay Example for Free

Economics Supply and lead of Beef in the United States EssayImagine a life with no hamburger or milk. How would this make you feel? Do you think you would be able to survive? I know I wouldnt be able to. Both milk and red meat are important in a daily diet. These two items come from kine. cattle and beef in general are a necessity to everyday living. The importance of beef cattle in the agriculture of this country rests chiefly upon their cogency to convert coarse forage, corn, grass, and other products of the land, wither unfit or not wanted for human consumption, into a valuable and much-desired food. Lets face it, we arent going to be eating grass or grain pellets anytime soon. Cattle eat grain pellets, grass, forage, and other stuff that humans dont consume. The cow has a much more desirable flavor inside. Can you picture now eating a juicy gush rib sandwich? This is just one of the many items a cow produces. Local farmers in cracker-barrel communities are working ha rd to produce the high demands for beef. Hamburger meat from one steer would disturb 720 quarter-pound hamburgers, enough for a family of four to enjoy hamburgers each day for nearly six months. They are flavour ways to produce higher quality beef. The cattle producers are now artificially inseminating the cattle with get around genetics to help make the quality of beef higher. According to Present and Future Applications of DNA Technologies to advance Beef Production, substantial improvements in production efficiency and quality of beef and dairy products have been do possible through manipulation of bovine genetics. Milk comes from cows and thats what gives you strong bones and commence carbohydrates which are essential for everyones daily diet.Also beef is the number one source of coat in the human diet. The meat is filled with nutrients that help your body get what it needs to stay healthy. It is an brilliant way to keep your immune system going strong and not feeling si ck, weak, or commonplace all the time. existence healthy not only makes you look better on the outside, but too on the inside. Being healthy helps with depression, and eating red meat and getting the essential nutrients helps with all of this.Being a cattle raiser myself, I know that there are many factors to consider when producing the cattle that produce the meat. Many people say that cows are wasting the land and that their waste is picking up the land space and causing the manure to destroy the land. This is false. The manure that the cow lets out is exceedingly vital to the pasture. It is a great fertilizer and gives the nutrients that land needs most. This helps with growing crops as well as flowers and plants.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

E-Project Management Essay Example for Free

E-Project Management raiseInformation is king to any business. Optimum utilization of information for economical and timely retrieval is significant to every business and people for their well being and proper nurturing. Every business functions with knowledge and legal use of it reflects in solving issues and conflicts. Every enterprise places great importance for its customers who drive their organization. Providing online facilities to them would prove entrance fee anywhere anytime. Businesses learned with time the project management techniques for effective delivery and service.Library of templates, checklists and pre-approved emergencees take a project from idea generation stage to completion. The customized dynamic applications which are pre-configured helps in the process of adding a glitter touch to the finished product. Online repositories and expert systems have facilitated this process. Unique software for risk management, communication planning, stakeholder an alysis, scope management, comport analysis and tracking of project schedule are the essentials which help in the entire process.It also proposes expeditious MIS reports and decision support systems to take care of the communication strategies and tracking of reports. It is capable to present a comely view of the entire project management activities through several intermediaries such as Gantt charts and other illustrations. The expeditious tracking mechanism in eProject management would result in greater flexibility of operations and larger penetrations to detect risks and associated problems.It also facilitates the risk handling process by identifying and capitalizing on them timely to prevent efficient managing of resources. The greatest incentive is the importance given to knowledge and its appropriate use. The use of knowledge repositories and capabilities of internet has facilitated the process of concept through revenue generation taking into account the dynamic movements in schedule, cost and resources.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Compensation Strategy In Translation

Compensation scheme In displacementSeems its a big deal to make up the loss of accent markatic expressions in translating musical phrases from one talking to to another one. How can adapters come up with this problem?Considering an incline refreshed as the source roll and its Iranian shifts as the seat textual matter, we mean to answer this question. Extracting phrasal idioms and non-idioms from the archetypal chapter of J. D. Salingers The Catcher in the rye, is the first grade to start. Then we made a comparison of ga in that lo spilliond information with their Iranian translations by Najafi and Karimi for the next stage.following compensation strategy by adding quarry language idioms someplace in the interpretd texts by the Persian interpreters, is an plainspoken door to manage the idiomatic loss in their translations.This indicates that, if in any case its not manageable to translate a source language idiom as an idiom in target language, the representati ve can compensate the loss of the idiom by adding a target language idiom to places where there initially was a non-idiom.Key formulatesEnglish Idiom, Persian deracination, Translation Strategies, Compensation dodge, Source text edition (ST), Target Text (TT), Source Language (SL), Target Language (TL).IntroductionTranslation is generally explained as a routine in which the translator transfers the nub of a SL text into TL under the honourable deal of preserving the content and accuracy of original text, as far as it is possible.Where there is no combining weight for a SL idiom in the TL, the translator gets throughout compensation strategy to fill this incur passing gap. The more skilled the translator is, the better get out be the translation.If you are enthusiastic to this write as we are, this is the paper you can imply to and take your answer.Theoretical BackgroundTranslationBell (ibid. 6) argues that a total compare mingled with a source language text and its tran slation is something that can never be fully achieved. According to Bassnett-McGuire (1980 2), the com presente of translation is that the meaning of the target language text is similar to that of the source language text, and that the structures of the SL go forth be preserved as closely as possible, moreover not so closely that the TL structures will be seriously distorted. In other words, the source language structure must not be imitated to such an extent that the target language text becomes ungrammatical or sounds otherwise unnatural or clumsy.IdiomIdioms are the major and natural part of all languages as well as a prominent part of our everyday discourse. Idioms are such a normal part of our language uptake that we hardly even notice how vastly we use them in our everyday speech and writing. English is a language full of idioms, so, learners of English should be aware of their nature, types, and use.Using umpteen idioms in English language is one of the aspects that make s it somehow tough to learn for a Persian learner. They can be apply in formal mode and in slang.Idiom is defined as a separate of words which depend as different meaning when utilize together from the one they would entertain if you took the meaning of each word one after another (Collins Cobuild dictionary, 1990 edition).Indeed, the meaning of idiom can only be inferred through its meaning and function in context, as shown in the examples below (from Fernando, 1996).bread and exclusivelyter, as in It was a simple bread and butter issue (see further below) bless you, which is usually used in the context of cordial expressions go to hell, which indicates that there is a conflict among interlocutors in an interpersonal contact In sum, which indicates relations among portions and components of a text.Idioms are a stria of phrases consent different meaning from its individual parts of the phrases. Sometimes it is hard to recognize the meaning of a phrase just by knowing the meaning of the words including in it e.g. paint the town red is a phrase which has a meaning other than the meaning of its words separately, it elbow room having a good timeMoon (1998, p.4) cl fixs that idiom denotes a general term for many kinds of multiword expressions whether semantically swart or not.Some traditional theories of idiomaticity assumed that idioms are frozen, semantic units that are essentially non-compositional (Hambin Gibbs, 1999, p.26). However, there boast been a number of semantic classification systems proposed since 1980 for rating the composition of idioms which basically give differing names to the alike(p) concepts (Grant Bauer, 2004). Fernando (as cited in Liu, 2003) developed a scale by which to categorize idiomatic expressions and habitual collocation into 3 categories pure (non interchangestantial), semi literal, and literal (p.673).1. Pure Idioms. Fernando defines pure idiom as a type of conventionalized, nonliteral multiword expression (Fern ando, 1996, p.36). Pure idioms are always non literal, however they whitethorn be either invariable or whitethorn have little variation. In addition, idioms are said to be opaque (Fernando, 1996, p.32). For example, Let the cat out of the bag (to reveal a secret or a surprise by accident).2. outfitidioms. Semiidioms whitethorn have one or more literal constituents and one with nonliteral sub sensation. Therefore, this type of idioms is considered partially opaque (Fernando, 1996, p.60). For example, middle of nowhere (a very isolated place).3. Literal idioms. This subgroup of idioms has limited variance. They are less complicated than two other groups. Moreover, literal idioms are considered to be die as they can be interpreted on the basis of their components. For example Coming out (to run to leave the inside of a place).Translating Idiomsworking with English, the translator may easily recognize if an idiom violates faithfulness conditions, as in it is raining cats and dogs, storm in a teacup, jump down someones throat, etc. It may be hard to recognize, if the idiom is not of this nature, and translators may just think of it as an ordinary expression, with the second of either losing its tone or losing its meaning.There are two sources which may cause misinterpretationThe first possible source is that there are idioms which can mislead readers/users they do not sound idiomatic at all, but at a closer look, careful readers would find the hidden idioms.An example condition by Salinger in The Catcher in the Rye is got the axe in the following textThe animal trainer warned me, but I didnt notice, so I got the axe.On the first look, readers may interpret it in wrong of a person who took an axe and wanted to do something with it like cut a tree but at a closer look, a careful reader may find out that agent to lose the job.The second source of misinterpretation occurs when the words in an idiom have equivalents in the target language (i.e. in Persian) but with totally different meaning. Another good example given by Salinger is the idiomfor the birds.Winter weather is for the birds.At first it may be understood that this sentence subject matter winter weather is good for the birds but it makes no sense because the meaning is really different and it means worthless undesirable.Strategies used translating idiomsIdioms are culture bound and this is another challenge for the translator to transfer the detailed meaning and content of SL idiom into TL idiom perfectly.For the sake of solving these difficulties the translator may contain a strategy.Using the appropriate method in this process, the translators can get over the difficulties easily and it is rich and useful for their works.Mona bread maker, in her book In Other Words (1992), defines the following strategies for translating idiomatic expressions 1) using an idiom with the same meaning and form, 2) using an idiom with the similar meaning but different form, 3) by paraphrase, 4) by omission.(1) Translating an idiom with the same meaning and formThe first translation strategy by Mona Baker is translating TL idiom similar in its form and meaning to the SL idiom.For example Tooth and nail (( (2) Translating an idiom with the similar meaning but different formAnother strategy suggested by Mona Baker is translating a SL idiom into TL idiom the same meaning but different form. In this case, the translator does not preserve the lexical items and translate as a semantic equivalent.For example Acid tongue in her head. ( )(3) Translation by paraphraseThe most common strategy in translation of idioms is paraphrase. Translators often cannot translate a SL idioms as a TL idiom, therefore they use the paraphrase strategy by using a word or a group of words in TL exactly related to the meaning of that idiom in SL which may be a non-idiom.Newmark (1988, p.109) says that while using this strategy not only components of sense will be missing or added, but the emotive or pragmatic impact will be reduced or lost. Still, paraphrase is usually descriptive and explanatory sometimes it preserves the style of the original idiom as well.For example On tenterhooks. (( (4) Translation by omissionAccording to Baker (1992, p.77) omission is allowed only in some cases first, when there is no close equivalent in the target language secondly, when it is difficult to paraphrase finally, an idiom may be omitted for stylistic reasons. This strategy is not used very frequently. In fact, it is not approved by many scholars and some of them do not allow in it among other translation strategies (Veisbergs, 1989). However, sometimes its impossible to translate a SL idiom into TL, so the translator may use another strategy called compensation. In this strategy the translator omit an idiom and may put another idiom elsewhere in the TL text by preserving the effect of SL idiom.Compensation StrategyCompensation is a strategy most definitely worth considering, while i t can be used as one possible strategy for dealing with idioms and quite an effective one for compensating the loss caused by translating. Therefore, in order to preserve the idiomaticity of the original text and to avoid the mentioned loss, many translators fixing to compensation in translating idioms as their final but workable strategy. That is when an idiom is not possible to be translated into TT, a translators closing curtain effort is to compensate an idiom by omitting that and putting an idiom in another place, by preserving the manipulation effect of idiom in the ST.Nida and Taber (1969) mention that, whereas one inevitably loses many idioms in the process of translation one also stands to gain a number of idioms (p. 106). Baker (1992) indicates that in compensation, a translator may leave out a feature such as idiomaticity where it arise in the ST and introduce it somewhere else in the TT (p. 78).In support of this idea, Newmark (1991) suggests that all puns, alliterati ons, rhyme, slang, metaphor and pregnant words can be make up in translation. Though he further adds that, compensation is the procedure which in the last resort ensures that translation is possible (pp.143144).Theoretical frameworkWe agree with Lorenzo, M. et al., in that the first step a translator must take is to clearly define his intent before producing a translation which is as true as possible to the original text. One of the aspects of Hans Vermeers concept of skopos (1989227) is the establishment of a clearly defined objective or theatrical role for translationAny form of translation, including translation itself, may be understood as an action, as the name implies. Any action has an aim, a purpose.The word skopos is a technical word for the aim or purpose of translation.Nidas Dynamic EquivalenceIn the process of translating idioms, the translator may face many difficulties which is not a simple task to overcome.The major problem is the lack of comparing in the process of translation. It would be desirable if a translator could find a TL idiom which is the same as that in structure and content of SL idiom. Anyway every language, some(prenominal) source and target, has its own idioms and it may be hard to find the precise source equivalent in the target language.The definition of dynamic equivalence is initially given by Eugene A. Nida in his book Toward a Science of the Translation (Nida, E.A., 1964161). Nida is an American translator, scholar, teacher, leader, influencer, conceptualizer, innovator, and important theoretician. Nida argued that there are two different types of equivalence, formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. Formal equivalence deals with the message, in both form and content whereas dynamic equivalence translation is ground on the principle of equivalent effect.The translator is not concerned with the source language message, but rather with the dynamic relationship.Dynamic equivalence connects the target language and c ulture in order to make messages comprehensible to target language receptors. For instance, if we translate a phrase like two hemorrhages apiece literally into Persian, it will produce a ill-judged meaning for the Persian receptor. Idiomatic expressions may not seem understandable when translated from one language to another. In such cases the equivalence counterpart can be used to make it understandable to the receptor. In this view the translator has brought an equivalent which the original author most likely meant.MethodCorpusThe study is based on a contrastive comparison between the two Persian translations ofThe Catcher in the Rye by Muhammad Najafi and Ahmad Karimi. In this study we tried to achieve which of these translators has followed the compensation strategy in his own translation, and whether they have been successful in this process or not.Gathering the informationCollecting the data, of course, is as important as other stages (like conclusion) and even more i mportant. Because the more accurate the gathered data is so, the more favorable the pass on will be.Focusing on the process in this study, we long to explain the steps in data collecting, respectively. At the earliest step, we extracted English idioms and non-idioms from the first chapter of the novel, then found their Persian equivalents from two Persian translations by Najafi and Karimi of the same novel. We aimed to know whether English idioms are translated into Persian idioms or not and whether English non-idioms are translated into Persian idioms or not. Then we read the aforementioned translated chapter by two translators several times to clarify if they may be idioms. We looked up English idioms in Idioms Oxford Dictionary, although we had difficulty in recognizing the exact idiom at first.On the other hand, as we are Persian students, it was not hard to find Persian idioms as difficult as English idioms, anyway. But on non-idioms, we considered the most English phrases or sentences which translated as idioms in TL. perhaps you ask why we chose this novel. As you know, of course, this novel is rich in idioms and it makes the work for researcher to access the marvellous results easier.Then we counted the idioms and non-idioms in both original text and its Persian translations by two translators.Table 1. conglomeration Number of Idiomatic and Non-Idiomatic Translations of the Salingers IdiomsJ.D. Salingers Idioms heart and soulTranslationNajafiKarimi44Idiomatic2218Non- Idiomatic2226In this table, we calculated the total numbers of English idioms (N=44) which is translated by translators, either idiomatic or non-idiomatic. As you can see, here, Najafi translated more English idioms (N=44) into Persian idioms (N=22) than Karimi. We guess, this table will confirm our claim that Najafi has translated much more skilful than Karimi, because he got use of compensation strategy by adding more Persian idioms than Karimi. Anyway, our purpose is not to compare persons and is just to determine if there is any use of compensation strategy in each of these translations.Table 2. Total Number of Idiomatic and Non-Idiomatic Translations of the Salingers Non-idiomsJ.D. Salingers Non-IdiomsTotalTranslationNajafiKarimi42Idiomatic4226Non-Idiomatic016This table also illustrated that Najafi translated 42 English non-idioms out of 42 as idiomatic. On the other hand, Karimi translated 26 English non-idioms out of 42 as idiomatic. This table shows how Najafi and Karimi have functioned in translating non-idioms into idioms. By total non-idioms, we mean those which translated as idioms by Najafi and it will be our criteria for counting Karimis idioms and non-idioms.Table 3. Total Number of Different Data Extracted from Both Translations and the Original TextDataJ.D. SalingerNajafiKarimiIdiom446444Non-idiom422242Total868686This table confirms that Najafi has translated the novel more idiomatic (N=64) than Karimi (N=44).Classifying the DataAfter extracting and counting the total idioms in both original text and its translations, it revealed that translators had applied 3 different translation strategies for idioms. These strategies wereTranslating English Idioms into Persian IdiomsTranslating English Idioms into Persian Non-idiomsTranslating English Non-idioms into Persian IdiomsAnalyzing the DataIn this stage, we analyzed the whole collected data and calculated frequency and the percentage analogy of each strategy in the same translations. The results are shown in the tables belowTable 4. absolute frequency and persona of Idioms Translation Strategies Applied by NajafiStrategyFrequency voiceTranslation of idiom with idiom2250Translation of idiom with non-idiom2250Total44 one CTable 5. Frequency and Percentage of Idioms Translation Strategies Applied by KarimiStrategyFrequencyPercentageTranslation of idiom with idiom1840.90Translation of idiom with non-idiom2659.10Total44100Table 6. Frequency and Percentage of Non-Idioms Translatio n Strategies Applied by NajafiStrategyFrequencyPercentageTranslation of non-idiom with idiom42100Translation of non-idiom with non-idiom00Total42100Table 7. Frequency and Percentage of Non-Idioms Translation Strategies Applied by KarimiStrategyFrequencyPercentageTranslation of non-idiom with idiom2661.90Translation of non-idiom with non-idiom1638.10Total42100Table 8. Percentage of each Applied Strategies in both TranslationsStrategyNajafiKarimiTranslation of non-idiom with idiom10061.90Translation of non-idiom with non-idiom038.10Total100100ResultsThe results show that both translators, Najafi and Karimi, have applied three strategies in translating idioms translating English idioms with Persian idioms, translating English idioms with Persian non-idioms, translating English non-idioms with Persian idioms, and translating English non-idioms with Persian non-idioms.One of the translators, Najafi, used more frequently the first and the third (translating English idioms and non-idioms a s Persian idioms) strategy in his translation, on the other hand, the latter translator, Karimi, used the second and the last (translating English idioms and non-idioms as Persian non-idioms) strategy more often.Discussion and ConclusionAs mentioned before, its hard to translate a SL idiom into TL idiom regarding the accurateness and the faithfulness of SL into TL.In this stud, out of 44 extracted idioms from J.D. Salingers novel, 22 (50%) of the expressions have not been translated as idioms by Najafi. In the same case, Karimi has translated 18 (40.90%) of the idioms with Persian idioms and the remaining 26(59.10%) idioms have been translated non-idiomatically. This imbalance between the total number of idioms and their non-idiomatic translations causes a loss of idiomaticity in the Persian translated texts. Some of these idiomatic losses have been compensated for elsewhere in the text, since the translators have replaced some English language non-idioms with Persian idioms. By thi s strategy, Najafi has added 42 idioms and Karimi has added 26 idioms to their translations. We recognized that theres not the exact contrast in numbers of idioms in two languages(SL,TL), but its very common in translation. The translators were somehow successful here in compensating idiom gaps in the TL. Furthermore, they compensated those non-idiom expressions in the original context to function better on their translations.Compensation strategy is considered here as the best to translate idioms, non-idioms and figure of speech as well.